Archive for the 'Visual/Technical Communication' Category

Adobe releases Tech Comm Suite

The tech-comm blogosphere is erupting with news and reviews of Adobe’s new Technical Communication Suite.
For $1,600 ($1,000 for the upgrade version) you get FrameMaker 8, RoboHelp 7, Captivate 3, and Acrobat 3D.
My initial thoughts: $1k is a heck of a price for something this robust. It’s clearly an olive branch to a community that, in [...]


Adobe has revealed a new logo for the Photoshop family of products.

I love Photoshop. I do not love this logo. It reminds me of something I’d throw together if someone gave me two minutes to come up with a logo and was holding a gun to my head the entire time. And insisted that I [...]


…er… certified, that is. As in “Certified Usability Analyst” - I passed the CUA exam last week.
Overall impressions of the certification process:

HFI has done a marvelous job in making the certification process all about the industry, and not the company. Unlike other certifications, which measure how well one has memorized a given company’s way of [...]

Early MS promotional videos

The techcommdood recently came across an early MS DOS 5.0 video. He writes:
I wonder how well this went over back in the day? Perhaps it was effective. If so, this makes me re-think how we’re delivering documentation today. I’m wondering if we could get Eminem to rap out our developer reference information for our .NET [...]

Are the bells tolling yet again for RoboHelp?

Charles Jeter has been doing some excellent cyber-detective work and uncovered some odd corporate accounting practices over at Adobe.
It all started with the Jetman wondering why RoboHelp wasn’t included in Adobe’s SEC and investor relations documents, and went from there.
CJ has repeatedly asked for a statement from Adobe or their product evangelists, but so far, [...]

User testing is more influential than you might believe

Recently the HATT list had its annual debate on the “Click the OK” or “Click OK” issue. (Yes, user assistance developers actually argue over this stuff. And it’s “Click OK“, if you’re wondering.)
Did you know that the OK button had its origins in usability testing? During interface development for their pioneering Lisa software, Apple designers [...]

Eye tracking goodness

Jakob Nielsen’s recent eye tracking study contains a lot of interesting data, but none more unusual than the unexpected discovery of excessive fixation on crotches by the males in his sample.
Yep, you read that right. Crotches.

Although both men and women look at the image of George Brett when directed to find out information about his [...]

About the monkey

An escapee from a government contractor’s test lab, the monkey lives in hiding, hacking away at the keyboard to bring you random thoughts, stories, news, and graphics. Depending on his mood, he may be informative, amusing, obnoxious, or inane.

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