Link roundup

Over the past few months, I’ve added a few new links to the sidebar. Make sure to visit these fine folks from time to time:

The Content Wrangler - a one-stop shop for all your 21st century news & info needs that cover the technologies behind technical and visual communication. Scott Abel runs a tidy site here. Bonus: lots of interviews with industry gurus.

Palimpsest - One to definitely add to your Bloglines accounts. Sarah and Alan run this site for Scriptorium Publishing. Great coverage of conferences and presentations here.

Helpstuff - Char James-Tanny’s site. She’s an industry guru, who always manages to get the scoop on new Documentation product releases before the rest of us. Hmmm… (Link goes to her blog).

Centripital Notion - Art, science, nature, and technology merge in this way-underappreciated blog. A great place to spend some free time.

KrazyDad - Jim’s site shows how fun and malleable information can be. Go nuts with his Sudokus, or spend a few hours with his Whitney Music Box.

WWdN - Okay, so I wrestled with throwing this in the sidebar, because I didn’t want people to think I was a star-struck loser who linked to someone on the basis of his fame alone. But the fact is that Wil runs the type of site that I’d like monkeyPi to be when it grows up. He’s equal parts geek, father, writer, and humorist, and his posts go back and forth accordingly. A “blogger’s blogger,” if you will. Do yourself a favor and check him out. Here’s a post to start you off.

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An escapee from a government contractor’s test lab, the monkey lives in hiding, hacking away at the keyboard to bring you random thoughts, stories, news, and graphics. Depending on his mood, he may be informative, amusing, obnoxious, or inane.

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