Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Are the bells tolling yet again for RoboHelp?

Charles Jeter has been doing some excellent cyber-detective work and uncovered some odd corporate accounting practices over at Adobe.
It all started with the Jetman wondering why RoboHelp wasn’t included in Adobe’s SEC and investor relations documents, and went from there.
CJ has repeatedly asked for a statement from Adobe or their product evangelists, but so far, […]

theMonkey is back

Yes, I am alive.
Regular content will resume shortly. Make sure you’re subscribed to the monkeyPi feed.
In the meantime, enjoy a few minutes watching this pinnacle of interweb awesomeness:

Tech Comm blog survey

The STC Suncoast Chapter has created a very simple survey for readers of technical communication blogs. The survey is short & sweet. Chime in and let your preferences be heard.
H/Ts: Tom Johnson @ IRBW & Helpstuff.

Adobe tech comm blog

Vivek Jain, project manager of FrameMaker and RoboHelp, launched a blog yesterday. Might be worth adding to your aggregator.
H/T: Palimpsest.

Link roundup

Here are some interesting articles and happenings floating around the tubes of the Interwebs…

Alan Boyle over at the Cosmic Log has written a fascinating article about the newly released Spitzer telescope images of M42, (the Orion Nebula).
Speaking of Orion, the folks at collectSpace have another scoop - what may be the new Project Orion logo […]

The Blogfather

Hello, world! Welcome to monkeyPi.
All thanks and respect to the largess of my blogfather, the Buttonmasher, who has graciously helped me establish this site. What can I say? He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. The man’s virtually “adopted” enough bloggers to make Angelina Jolie jealous.
So, thanks much to the b-masher. With E3 going […]

About the monkey

An escapee from a government contractor’s test lab, the monkey lives in hiding, hacking away at the keyboard to bring you random thoughts, stories, news, and graphics. Depending on his mood, he may be informative, amusing, obnoxious, or inane.
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