Archive for March, 2007

Eye tracking goodness

Jakob Nielsen’s recent eye tracking study contains a lot of interesting data, but none more unusual than the unexpected discovery of excessive fixation on crotches by the males in his sample.
Yep, you read that right. Crotches.

Although both men and women look at the image of George Brett when directed to find out information about his […]

I never claimed I was a smart man…

“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brains…”
Over a recent weekend, my wife and I opened our home to an elderly relative of hers. The lovely lady, carrying the superior genes from my wife’s side of our union, enjoyed a few days of respite in our home.
Eager to prove I wasn’t totally useless, I […]

RoboHelp Server 6 and NLS issues?

There seems to be a wildfire brewing among customers of Adobe RoboHelp Server 6.
Many have upgraded only to find that the legacy Natural Language Search functionality has not been included. Synonym search is gone, too. Apparently, Adobe has simply not included the NLS DLL file with the software.
What’s odd is that the functionality apparently hasn’t […]

element�"">I wonder where he’s placed the closing element…

You HTML geeks should check out this groovy tattoo.
H/T: Wil

Helvetica, the film"">Helvetica, the film

Nerd alert: The upcoming film Helvetica has begun screening worldwide.
Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives.
I know I have […]

About the monkey

An escapee from a government contractor’s test lab, the monkey lives in hiding, hacking away at the keyboard to bring you random thoughts, stories, news, and graphics. Depending on his mood, he may be informative, amusing, obnoxious, or inane.
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