Archive for the 'Humor' Category

I never claimed I was a smart man…

“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brains…”
Over a recent weekend, my wife and I opened our home to an elderly relative of hers. The lovely lady, carrying the superior genes from my wife’s side of our union, enjoyed a few days of respite in our home.
Eager to prove I wasn’t totally useless, I […]

element..."">I wonder where he’s placed the closing element…

You HTML geeks should check out this groovy tattoo.
H/T: Wil

Yay parenthood

“How does a cow go, sweetie?”
“Good! How does a cat go?”
“Haha!! How about a pig?”
“Good. How does a Mommy go?”

Exposing children to secondary bad chart design is bad for their health

Yes, *sniff*, our kids are being desensitized to poor data visualization.
Check out this craptacular chart from the back of a Cheerios box:

I would have had soooo much fun critically evaluating this, but Carl beat me to it already:
First of all, every condition shows a decline in concentration overall - with 8am as the benchmark! I […]


Five things you didn’t really care if you knew about me

Oh, boy… the Buttonmasher tagged me with a blog-meme, asking for “Five Things you don’t know about [me].”
This is pretty hard. The idea is to be self-deprecating and interesting at the same time. Sure, I could spend time in this post making fun of the Buttonmasher’s fear of needles, but I’d better just get on […]

How to handle a bee infestation

Step one - Realize that calling pest control costs $$.
Step two - Immolation. Merciless, petroleum-fueled immolation.

Step three - Realize that buying your kid new swings costs $$ too, but at least you got to burninate stuff.
I’ll bet you his neighbors NEVER complain about loud music or tall grass ever again.