Archive for January, 2007

Adobe tech comm blog

Vivek Jain, project manager of FrameMaker and RoboHelp, launched a blog yesterday. Might be worth adding to your aggregator.
H/T: Palimpsest.

“And in this corner…”

My earlier post that provided an initial review of RoboHelp (RH) 6 touched off a storm in the comments section… making it my most popular (and commented) post to-date.
First, thank you all for the time it took to chime in with your opinions. In paticular, Rick Stone (the RoboWizard) wrote about 10,000 words in the […]

2007 Calendar

Designer W. Bradford Paley has come up with an elegant twist on the design of the standard wall calendar.

Clicky for large
Paley writes:
“The visual/cultural resonances with ancient native American calendars, mandalas, antique engravings of the solar system; the red weekends at the bright center and the wavy outer corona all have been turned to directly support […]

Link roundup

Over the past few months, I’ve added a few new links to the sidebar. Make sure to visit these fine folks from time to time:
The Content Wrangler - a one-stop shop for all your 21st century news & info needs that cover the technologies behind technical and visual communication. Scott Abel runs a tidy site […]

Site updates

Well, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve started to pick up the pace a bit here.
I’ve spent most of my free-writing time over the past few months doing some sportsblogging over at MotSaG. You can usually catch me over there, writing under the sportsMonkey moniker. But now that the great 2006 OSU football season is over, […]

RoboHelp 6 finally arrives, and it’s craptastic

So, I arrive to work this morning, and am deluged with emails from Adobe, message threads in the HATT list and RSS feeds barking at me about Adobe’s “surprising” and long-awaited release of RoboHelp 6.
One blogger I really respect claimed, “Congratulations to Adobe for getting this out technically ahead of time!” Another wrote, “Well, the […]
